Engie Kitesurf Challenge: un successo clamoroso
Dall’1 al 4 luglio l’Engie Kitesurf Challenge ha riempito lo Stagnone di Marsala di atleti, gare di Freestyle e Big Air e tanto...Read More
Engie Kitesurf Challenge: che partenza ragazzi!
Il 1° luglio nella Laguna dello Stagnone di Marsala ha preso il via l’Engie Kitesurf Challenge, gara di Big Air e di...Read More
Engie Kitesurf Challenge: Albastar regala biglietti ai migliori atleti
The greatest training for surfing is…well, surfing. But prepping your body for the incredibly unique movements your body goes...Read More
Engie Kitesurf Challenge: le previsioni danno un bel Maestrale
Summer may be winding down, but here in San Diego we still have plenty of events lined up to enjoy all through the month of...Read More
Francesca Bagnoli, madrina dell’Engie Kitesurf Challenge
Surf wax is for the deck of the board, and keeps surfers from slipping off and falling. It creates grip and traction, which are...Read More
Mancano pochi giorni all’Engie Kitesurf Challenge: via alle iscrizioni
Marsala Kite Festival 2021, a great competition for all kiters and non-kiters, with unique events both at a sporting and gastronomic level Read More